How do you make your own guided meditation? Easy! Record your own meditation script on your phone using these three guidelines: 1. Relax your body 2. Deliver your message 3. Close with encouragement and a call to action. I’ll teach you how to do it with step-by-step directions in this article!
What creates the quality of your life?
It starts with this:
Your brain = thinking = feeling
Consider that your life is controlled by your brain. Think about it. Whatever you’re thinking is probably how you’re also feeling.
The problem is that our brains go on auto-pilot. Have you ever noticed that? I do. Especially when I’m in the shower. That’s when my brain really lets loose, remembering details of things that I’d rather forget.
“Why am I thinking about this right now?” I’d ask myself, during that fleeting moment when my consciousness would pop back into real-time.

So, here’s a question to think about:
Is that good? Is it helpful?
Throughout my lifetime, I’ve learned that trying to control what I’m thinking helps me to feel better. I’ve used various means to that end. I started out with self-help books but these days, I use meditation, and specifically, guided meditation.
GUIDED meditation is GREAT because, unlike regular meditation, you’re not sitting there trying NOT to think about anything else, noticing that you’re thinking, and then trying to clear your thoughts again.
Guided meditation feeds you the words that you need to hear and immediately changes your physiology. I have literally felt my brain and body change from tired to energized, or depressed to inspired. Sounds crazy and impossible but it’s really amazing and effective.

Now, there are plenty of guided meditations available online. There are a lot of apps, YouTube videos, and podcasts. Personally, I really like Sarah Raymond from the Mindful Movement on Youtube.
Listening to her made me wonder if I could make my own meditation, though, because sometimes I couldn’t find the right words or the theme that I needed for the moment that I was in.
Then, one day, I decided to make my own meditation. It was really short and directed. I used some of the words that Sarah used in the beginning. Then I added my own words; what I wanted to achieve or how I wanted to feel. Here’s what happened:
It worked like magic!
After listening to my own words, I would pop up enthusiastically and go do whatever I told myself to do. It was nothing less than amazing! I discovered that listening to myself, my own voice, is extremely powerful! It’s a great way to develop a relationship with ourselves! Highly recommend.

That’s why I’m so excited to share this with you. THIS IS LIFE-CHANGING!
I combine the idea of guided meditations with meditation themes that can help you make your own meditation script.
The beginning always starts the same: First, you’ll start by relaxing your body:
“Get in a position where you are comfortable and close your eyes.”
Next, you’ll insert a personalized message that you specifically need.
Finally, you’ll close with an energizing thought and directions for action.
This is an amazing, low-cost, self-empowering way to be able to take care of yourself. Your soul-care.
#1 – What Do You Need?
First, figure out what you need or want to change. You probably already know, but if you can’t put your finger on it, try journaling. Just let the thoughts flow without thinking. Or, you can try laying still in a quiet spot, just like meditating, and see what comes to you.
What is the problem? What is happening in your life right now? What is the situation that you’re dealing with? This could also be a negative belief that you want to change about yourself.
Consider Keeping a Meditation Journal
You’ll probably agree that keeping notes in a journal would be a good idea. I’ve found that keeping a little journal has reminded me of the journey that I’ve been on because I would so often forget.

It’s amazing how many things you will have manifested for yourself, but you don’t even realize it was something that you were working on until you go back and read your journal.
I’ve had countless times when I’ve read my old journal entries and had totally forgotten that I had even worked on something. Then I’d always say to myself, “oh, that’s why I make these choices now, or that’s why I am the way I am!”
That’s the power of working on your stuff; working through things instead of brushing them under the rug.
Just an aside, I’ve noticed that people who don’t work on their “stuff” use other means of calming themselves, like skin-picking, alcohol, drugs, food, and other addictions.
So, there you go! Working through your emotions helps you to avoid harmful addictions.
#2 – Write Down The Answer & Decide on a Theme
Based on your answer, you will come up with a theme for your meditation. I provide a list of themes that you can use if you need help coming up with your answer.
Simply look through the words below and write down the qualities that speak to you. You can then use those words to formulate the exact message that you need to hear in this moment.
Altruism – Acceptance – Bravery – Balance – Community – Compassion – Family – Friendship – Focus – Fortitude – Generosity – Gratitude – Grace – Happiness – Hope – Health – Individuality – Joy – Knowledge – Love – Meaning – Motivation – Optimism – Order – Peace – Purpose – Recreation – Responsibility – Restraint – Serenity – Security – Self-Reliance – Simplicity – Solitude – Tranquility – Trust – Unity – Vitality
#3 – Write Your Meditation Script
Now that you know the theme or qualities that you want to add to your life, it’s time to start writing your script. To start, you need to relax your body and start getting into a bit of a meditative state where your brain is more receptive.
First, you’ll begin by writing down a series of suggestions that will relax your body. Here’s an example:
Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Feel your body start to relax. Breathe in, and out, in, and out. With every breath, you feel more and more relaxed. Relax the muscles of your eyes, relax your mouth, relax your neck. Feel your entire body relax, all the way down to your toes.
I think it’s really cool to talk to a younger version of yourself. Think about the fact that you are the person who has raised yourself so far. “You” got yourself through a lot of situations in your own life.
Think about it; you were younger yesterday. And, even though it’s today, think about the fact that tomorrow you’ll be older. So, in effect, you’ll always be talking to your younger self.
Remember: YOU take care of yourself! Who takes better care of you than you?

Next, insert the personalized message that you want or need to hear.
If your problem is that you’re feeling nervous, then you can make your theme for confidence. You’ll say nice things to yourself like, “You are a capable person. You are smart and kind. You can do this! You’ll be fine. You’ll do great.”
Make your script short, long, detailed, or general. Try out a few different ways and see what works for you the best.
I made a script for myself to start a new habit, which was writing. It included encouragement PLUS the details of the new habit that I wanted to create. Short example:
- Relax your body – “take a deep breath …”
- Deliver your message – “You will write every day for 30 minutes. You love writing and you are excited to write . . .”
- Close with encouragement and a call to action – “You are excited to write. You feel the enthusiasm for writing, your energy is getting stronger, you’re excited to write. When you’re ready, open your eyes and go do your writing with enthusiasm and energy.”
This worked like magic, guys! I only listened to it about 5 times before I didn’t need it anymore. This can work for any situation, issue, or anything that you want to change or desire.
The key is for you to hone in on exactly what it is that you need or want.
4. Record Your Script
Once you have your script written out, record it. You can do this with your smartphone under voice memos or look for a recording app.
I love the app called, “Otter” because it not only records your voice, but it takes dictation so that you can also see what you have said in writing.
Otter gives you 600 free minutes per month, which is way more than you will ever need. Highly recommend!
5. Play it Over and Over Again
There you have it! Your own guided meditation on your phone! You’ll want to listen to your meditation at least once a day for 30 or 40 days to get the most benefit for long-term changes, or just as needed.
Before you know it, your changes will be made like a miracle!
Happy DIY Meditation!