What is minimalism anyway?
Have you heard about minimalism? It’s all the rage. A “life with less.” “Less is More.” “Freedom.” Sounds good, right? Or, did you see “The Minimalists” documentary on Netflix or one of the many people talking about it on YouTube and TEDx?
You know, I was enticed by minimalism too! I pictured the perfect home: clouds of white, perfectly decorated, no clutter anywhere. But then I learned that minimalism is more of a concept. . . An ideal. Minimalism can help you set intentions and goals; guidance for living the life of your dreams. But . . . you won’t get there overnight. And it includes a lot more than just reducing your possessions, changing your decor, or sparse living.
Minimalism is a journey.
A Simple Explanation of Minimalism
To REDUCE or ELIMINATE STRESSORS and then ADD, more INTENTIONALLY, those things that will help you to CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!
What are your INTENTIONS for your life?
Most people associate minimalism with DECLUTTERING because that’s where most people start first. That’s because when you have too much stuff, you can spend all your time trying to manage that, leaving little time for other things you might want to do.
But minimalism can help you to reduce stress in ALL areas of your life, AND that will be different for everybody. One thing is for sure, removing ‘things’ that weren’t working for me anymore made space to Add ‘things’ that I really care about now.
For instance, when re-reading my journal notes this morning, I noticed that I had written about how overwhelmed I was with decluttering some of my stuff.
I had spent two months downsizing and re-organizing my clothing, books, and paperwork to write a blog post (link below) called Kon-Mari & The Clutter Cycle – Clothing, Books, & Paper.
The result? Going through that process opened up space to bring ART back into my life, and I created an art room for myself this year.
My art room is intentional, what I want to pursue right now.

Minimalism – Breaking It Down
It is based on ‘REDUCING’ or ‘REDUCTION.’

Because values enhance the quality and clarify the purpose of your life:
- What do you want in your life?
- What is important to you right now?
- What are your pain points and difficulties?
- What makes you happy?
So, basically, what is working and what isn’t working in your life? Often, we don’t reflect on our priorities. We can live every day by doing what we have always done. Minimalism gives you the tools to reflect on things you don’t like and change them.
What are YOUR priorities?
For instance, is there something you do just because that is how you were taught, but you really hate it?
Plenty of these types of things have bothered me throughout my life. I didn’t follow many norms, or at least I did a minimal job of it. But I always felt a little guilty about it, like I wasn’t doing it right.
Minimalism gives you permission to be different. It tells you, “You don’t have to do things like others.”
It says, “Less IS okay or even better!”
Check Out Why These People Found Minimalism (Amazing TEDx Talks below)
Now, there are lots of people who love minimalism and sharing their newfound wisdom. But, the truth is, your experiences will be the lens through which you hear this information and how it speaks to you.
Lately, I’ve noticed that while watching a lot of TEDx Talks on the subject, every speaker describes ‘minimalism’ through their own distinct and individual life experiences.
How did each person find the concept of ‘minimalism,’ and how did it speak to each person differently?
For Christine Platt, it had to do with how she was raised and her fond memories of shopping on Saturday afternoons with her mom. She struggled with over-consumption and accumulating too much stuff over time. But, Christine now believes that her belongings should be ‘intentional’ and ‘purposeful.’
For twenty-something Marlous van der Veen, she realized that no matter how hard she worked or how much she achieved, owned, or accomplished, it was never enough.
At once, she awoke in a quarter-life crisis.
Discovering the concept of minimalism helped her to recover. She now sets this intention for her life: “Identify what is important to you and eliminate everything else.”
And lastly, for the trendsetting duo, ‘The Minimalists,’ who created the original documentary, ‘Minimalism – A Documentary About the Important Things,’ inspiration for LESS came through experiencing familial loss, inheriting a lifetime of possessions, and questioning it all.
Look out for their new documentary arriving this January, 2021, Titled, ‘Minimalists: Less is Now.’
10 Ways To Make Life Easier
Listed below are some areas of life where minimalist ideals can make life a little more easy, simple, or intentional.
Now, once again, I’ll state that some things on the list will relate to you more than others. That’s the goal. What speaks to you? Where would your life benefit from reframing?
1. STUFF – It takes up space. Our physical space. Our head space. Our energy. Our time.
I can’t tell you how many years that I’ve spent organising my kids’ clothes and toys or how many weekends I’ve spent cleaning the garage, the dumping ground, where everything without a home landed.
It was inevitable! No matter how many times we’d purge and organise, it always had to be done again, within a few months time. That’s just the nature of stuff!
The truth is, though, that even when you purge and purge, you’ll still have to purge more. Why? The Clutter Cycle:

And I’m sure you’ll agree that storage and management takes a lot of energy, time, and maintenance work! Plus, most of us DON’T HAVE a MAINTENANCE PLAN or a PURGING PLAN. So, stuff piles up! And that’s not all! Stuff piles up because we don’t put it away! It’s easier to stack it on top of the pile!
Relationships should actually be first on the list, because relationships make up the true value of our lives. And when it comes down to it, our values and priorities will probably start here.
Whether it be family, friendships, romantic relationships, or acquaintenceships, navigating relationships can be one of the harder things in life to deal with, mainly because we haven’t really been taught how to communicate well.
But, once you set the values (and intentions) for your life, it will then become easier for you to decide which people in your life contribute to those ideals.
For instance, if your value and intention for your life is that you want to live peacefully, joyfully, and simply, then it will be easier to decide who and what to keep in your life.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you dump your mother or father, but knowing your values and intentions will help you to set boundaries around what kinds of behaviors that you accept into your life.

Many people have the idea that ‘debt is the American way!’ Or, ‘Everyone has debt! It’s no big deal!’ Or, ‘I’m contributing to the economy!’ No doubt about it, reducing or eliminating debt is a major accomplishment! I personally hate having debt, but I’ve definitely had my share, no question.
But look, when I talk about debt, I’m mainly talking about credit card debt, car loan debt, or even personal loan debt. Now, I’m not making a value judgment about whether or not you are carrying debt. I’m just saying . . . there is another school of thought on the subject. And, it can get out of control very easily.
The truth is, it is great to get a loan if you absolutely need it, but the ‘system‘ keeps us in debt by making it so easy to get. The problem is, that it actually takes our power away because you end up spending all of your “newly earned” money paying off ‘old purchases.’
Even if you can afford the debt, have you thought about the stress of making sure you don’t have a late payment? Because a late payment will mess with your credit score AND late fees are extremely high! To top that off, you’ll have to pay interest on the entire balance, even if you were planning on paying it off in full.

So many people, including myself, are overwhelmed by the stacks of mail, bills, and paperwork that we have to process to live life today. But, you may need to realize that a lot of the paperwork that comes into your home is generated by your choices. Many things we purchase create a lot of stress for us, month after month and year after year.
Just think about that cute little dog that you bought. You’ll be sent an annual bill by your local county to pay license fees for the little cutie. You’re also going to have to comply with certain shots (that need to be administered by a veterinarian) every three years and you will have to prove that you completed the task! Paperwork/$$$/time!
Now, add dog food and regular grooming appointments.
Hey now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get a dog! I’m just saying that a lot of choices and purchases that you make won’t end the minute you walk out the door with your prized possession.
So, my point is, what values are you willing to work for?
SO, the concept of ‘minimalism‘ helps you change your mind about how much you own and how much you buy.
The less you own, the less you have to manage.

5. YOUR SCHEDULE (Regular Obligations)
Are you one of those people who says “yes” to too much? Your calendar is full and you are overwhelmed?
This is another area where you can consciously choose to change.
Think about what is most important to you. Do you need to rest after a long day of work?
Can someone else do it instead of you?
The ‘minimalist’ mindset is the key here. But not to ‘claim’ that you can’t do it because “I’m a minimalist!” No.
It just gives you the permission to think twice before you add something to your calendar and put your own health and well-being first.
Having set clear priorities and values helps you make these decisions.

Do you have too much on your mind? Too many worries, and stuff like that?
Ok, if you’re like me, you carry all of the mental load for your family.
It’s on your plate to make sure everybody does what they need to do, and, has what they need.
That can be pretty taxing. So, we want to make sure that we LIMIT ourselves to some FINITE AREAS.
We can’t do it all, even if we want to.
Be choosy about what you add to your plate, or pressure yourself to do.
Try to be realistic about how much you are actually responsible for and keep limits on adding to your load.
Making a list of everything that is currently on your plate can be helpful. Knowledge is power, baby!
If you don’t take care of yourself, then who will?

Minding other peoples’ business instead of just your own. If you have the ’empathy’ gene, this might be you.
But, I’m speaking from experience here, over and over and over. I had done this for years, always feeling like the “good” person, helping, helping, helping.
But, I learned the hard way . . . let people help themselves and solve their own problems.
Have you ever heard the saying, “nice guys finish last” or, “no good deed ever goes unpunished” or “don’t get your help all over everybody”, as famously quoted by writer, Anne Lamott?
It doesn’t sound like it would make any sense, right? I didn’t think so either.
However, the result of my over-helping was usually getting a virtual punch in the face.
It’s so much better if we focus on our own stuff. Our own life. Our own goals and dreams.
Help when it’s necessary, but remember . . . give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

8. Digital Clutter
Phone distraction is a HUGE DEAL these days! I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, right!?
These are ‘new world’ problems that didn’t even exist that long ago!
Obviously, it doesn’t stop there. Do you have thousands of unread e-mails in your inbox and an excess of unorganized digital data, like me?
Now, digital clutter is a real thing AND I have NOT mastered it! My e-mail has absolutely no method for clearing and I don’t know how to manage my digital files or my “cloud”, etc., etc., etc.
I don’t worry too much about it, but it IS a nagging thought: Note to self: “learn how to manage your digital clutter!”
It’s on my To-do list! The part that never gets done!

Do you have pages of long To-Do lists, making you feel like your life is nothing but an office job, or like you’re running on an errand spinning wheel? You’re not alone. These kinds of tasks are my worst nightmare! I HATE the mundane tasks of life! Especially the ones that are hard, meaning, I don’t really know how to do it right!
One example: homeowner’s Insurance! HATE! Did you know that after the mudslide hit my home (see my story here), my first instinct was to call our insurance company? And guess what? It took until the next day (when my sister told me) to find out that the mudslide damage wouldn’t be covered under our standard homeowner’s policy! We needed special coverage for a flood! You heard me right: our homeowners insurance didn’t cover one penny of the damage to our entire home!
But, we didn’t even live in a flood zone so our insurance company didn’t recommended it to us!
Now, I buy every policy that is available! Flood, earthquake, umbrella! It’s ridiculous! And, the worst part is that I still feel like I don’t understand what I’m buying! They make it so complicated! You have to learn to ask the right questions: WHAT IS NOT COVERED IN THIS POLICY?
But, anyway, to-do lists are okay, but I’ve found that most of it never gets done. It’s good to get those nagging thoughts out of your head and onto paper, but be clear and understand that it’s NORMAL to only focus on the most important stuff.
If you already know this then those long to-do lists probably won’t be adding mental distress to your life.
However, the overall goal is: Let’s make life less hectic.
Learn how to shorten those To-Do Lists by analyzing your life and getting rid of stuff that isn’t a priority or a value for you.
When it comes to the hard stuff, learn how to eliminate or automate bills, and get some professional advice.
Also, consider thinking about what you can hand off to someone else, like your partner.
Are you an ‘achievements junkie’ or a creative person, like me? You have tons of great ideas and you want to try so many cool new things? The deal here is: limit your ideas to the ones that you really want to focus on NOW, and, you have time for.
Now, goals are great and serve an important purpose, including those that will help you along your minimalism journey. But, we want to keep the list short and attainable. Your goals should enhance your life, and not cause more pressure on yourself.
A good idea is to set goals in three-month increments. In this way, you can try different goals for short periods of time, just to see if it’s actually something that you really like and want to develop.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing that YOU should know about MINIMALISM
It isn’t necessary to call yourself a ‘minimalist’. You can simply use the ideal of ‘minimalism‘ to help you set your values, priorities, and goals to aid you in planning the life of your dreams.
Okay, so that list covered A LOT! And . . . it wasn’t everything. It just brushes the surface of the things we deal with in our everyday lives.
Now, if you’ve heard about my story, you know that I was a ‘minimalist wannabe’ but I felt like a ‘minimalist failure’!
That’s because I didn’t understand that minimalism was much more than getting rid of my stuff . . . and . . .
I ALSO learned (from losing my home overnight) that MANAGING A HOME IS A TON OF WORK EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Now, you might ask yourself, ‘why didn’t she know that?’
I think that the reason is that I just got so used to my life, raising four kids and being a stay-at-home mom. In other words, being a HOME MANAGER! A 24/7 job!
And because I was overwhelmed, I thought that if I could just control my environment, then everything would get easier.
But, after only a couple of weeks of living in a furnished rental house, I had the revelation that everything felt exactly the same there. I had to run the house, clean the house, manage the bills, and do the wash. All of it. And it felt exactly the same as running my real home.
But, the kicker was, WE ONLY BROUGHT OUR CLOTHES!
But see, we do that every day and we don’t question it. We just take it one day at a time, managing what comes. YOU DO THAT AND I DO THAT!
So, I’m still a big fan of ‘minimalism.’ I LOVE it! But I see it differently now.
I see it as a fully rounded, all-encompassing tool to aid ME in creating an easier life and more meaningful life for myself and my family.
But, honestly, mainly for myself. Because, as you heard, we all carry our loads and responsibilities and they can be heavy.
Minimalism is a lifestyle. A way of thinking. A values-based concept for planning your intentional life. And . . . it’s WORTHWHILE.
It can make managing that house every day a little bit easier.
It can give you permission to live your life differently from the mainstream.
It can help you take better care of yourself.
- You don’t have to claim to “be” a minimalist.
- ‘Minimalist’ doesn’t have to be your new title.