Self-Care for the highly sensitive soul: HSPs

Do your nerves feel on edge after a day out?  If you get easily overwhelmed by the busyness of the outside world, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). 

The truth is, as a sensitive person, your body and mind can be more affected, with every sight, sound, and experience leaving a lasting imprint on you. 

This post is intended to help you manage your sensitivity.  I’m introducing some practical strategies like minimalism, self-care, and hypnosis to help create a more peaceful and enjoyable home and life.  

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Dr. Elaine Aron states, “If you know your trait, you can make better decisions about how to manage your time, when to sleep, who to see, and how to deal with the inevitable overstimulation.”   

Her pioneering book “The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You” is a comprehensive resource.  Her website,, also provides a wealth of information and resources related to HSPs and her research.

HSP Traits

Following are some characteristics of sensitive people.  Of course, everyone is different, and not all of these traits will apply to everyone. 

1.  Deep Processing: Tends to think deeply about things.

2.  Easily Overwhelmed: Quickly overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.

3.  Emotional Intensity: Needs to process emotions and experiences.

4.  Empathetic: High level of empathy and compassion.

5.  Sensitive to Subtleties: Notices subtle changes in the environment.

6.  Affected by Others’ Moods: Easily influenced by the moods of others.

7.  Need for Downtime: Requires alone time to recharge.

8.  Rich Inner Life: Often has a vivid and complex inner life.

9.  Discomfort in Noisy Environments: Struggles in loud or chaotic settings.


To give you an idea of how some people experience their sensitivity, following are a few comments from Dr. Aron’s book reviews on Amazon. Keep in mind the level of sensitivity varies from person to person.

All my life I’ve wondered, “What’s wrong with me?” Why do people not understand when I get so upsetI and millions of other people, smell and hear things that never enter the consciousness of other people…”

Amazon Book Reviewer

Ticking clocks, clothes that are are a wee bit too tight, shoes that aren’t shaped right, little sounds and distractions that most people easily ignore – I have been haunted by for many years.…”

Amazon Book Reviewer

Click here to take the HSP Quiz: Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

The Power of Minimalism for HSPs

If you’re an HSP, your home may sometimes feel as overwhelming as the outside world.  Here’s a solution: Minimalism! Minimalism can be so helpful for highly sensitive people.  Think of minimalism as your coping strategy, not some foo-foo upper-class invention. 

Minimalism has helped me figure out a better way to organize my life and decide what matters most. I’ve shared these ideas with my family to tell them what I value. And, even though I can’t control what everyone else does, they understand me better and what I’m trying to achieve with our life at home.

simplifying your home

1.  Less Stuff, Less Stress: Having fewer things in your home means there’s less to make you feel overwhelmed.  This can help make your home a calm place to feel good and relaxed.

2.  Simple Choices: When you don’t have too many things, you don’t have to make too many decisions.  You won’t get overwhelmed as easily too!

3.  Enjoying the Little Things: When your home isn’t full of stuff, you can enjoy more of the things you have.  You might look forward to a favorite book, a comfy chair, or a beautiful picture.

4.  Creating a Peaceful Space: A home with fewer things is quiet and calm.  It isn’t screaming at you to get up and do something.  It’s a place to rest and feel peaceful, especially after a day that’s been too busy or demanding.

Minimalism isn’t just about the physical stuff either. It gives you a framework for less. Less of everything, instead of more. Here are a few blog posts that help explain minimalism from my point of view (an HSPs point of view.)

Click here: Why I Love Minimalism: My Coping Strategy

Click here: So You Wanna Be A Minimalist?

Click here: Take the Minimalism Quiz: Is Minimalism your Solution?

Self-Care Practices for HSPs

Taking good care of yourself is essential, especially as an HSP.  Self-care can help recharge your energy and motivation.  Here are some self-care tips that can make your days feel smoother and brighter:

1.  Quiet Time: Spending some quiet time alone can help you relax and re-energize.  This could be reading a book, walking, or just sitting quietly.

2.  Creative Outlets: Doing something creative, like drawing, writing, or playing music, can help you express your feelings and thoughts in a fun way.

3.  Being in Nature: Nature is calm and beautiful.  Spending time outside, like in a park or garden, can make you feel peaceful and happy.

4.  Mindful Activities: Yoga, meditation, or hypnosis can help you feel calm and reclaim your mind.  

5.  Healthy Routine: Eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, and exercising can make you feel good and strong. 

6. Processing thoughts and emotions: This is a critical step for HSPs. When you process how you feel, negativity won’t get stuck in your body, and you will feel better instantly. This can be done through various means; journaling, self-guided meditation, and self-guided hypnosis are just a few.

Now, there’s an even better way to process your thoughts and develop positive statements to use with your DIY meditation, DIY self-hypnosis, or creating personal affirmations.

Just click on this link below to check out the:

Intentional Living Guidebook

Hypnosis and HSPs: A Calming Connection

Hypnosis sounds mysterious, but it’s very similar to meditation and is extremely helpful for Highly Sensitive People.  My inner life dramatically changed when I discovered hypnosis.

No doubt, our random thoughts can be intrusive and overwhelming. Hypnosis gives you the power to input thoughts by choice. Intentional thinking.

But let’s take a closer look. During meditation, the goal is to calm your mind and thoughts and focus on the present moment.

Alternatively, hypnosis focuses on inputting specific thoughts and ideas to help change your subconscious mind. Listening to positive, directed messages can change your body and mind for instant relief.

Here’s how hypnosis helps HSPs:

1.  Relaxing Your Mind: Hypnosis can guide your mind to a super relaxed state, making your subconscious more likely to accept messages.  

2.  Finding Focus: Hypnosis can help your mind focus on what’s important to you.  Typically, you choose the subject that you need help with.  It’s like clearing away the negative clutter and inserting positive thoughts.

3.  Managing Overwhelming Feelings: Sometimes, feelings or thoughts can feel too big.  Direct messaging positive thoughts and ideas through hypnosis can help you reframe negative thinking, helping you to feel better quickly.

4.  Building Inner Strength: Hypnosis can help you feel stronger.  It’s like training for your mind, allowing you to process and deal with things calmly and confidently.

5.  Improving Sleep: If you find it hard to sleep because your mind is always busy, hypnosis can help.  It teaches you to relax; before you know it, bedtime feels more peaceful so you can rest well.

free hypnosis session

According to Dr. Aron, about 20% of the population are sensitive.  Like with anything, there are benefits and challenges.  Many highly sensitive people feel that they are too sensitive and don’t fit in. But, once they understand themselves as an HSP, they see themselves more positively.

One HS person said, “Now I can value my HSP traits as a gift instead of resenting and resisting them.” 

The following list contains some tips on how to handle challenges so you can feel good and make the most of your sensitivity:

1.  Understanding Yourself: The first step is to understand that being sensitive is part of who you are.  This is a critical step to well-being as an HSP.

2.  Setting Boundaries: Knowing and setting limits is vital.  Know what you like, want, and need.  If something or someone overwhelms you, it’s wise to learn to set boundaries to care for yourself.

3.  Finding Supportive People: Spend time with friends or family who understand and accept your sensitive nature.  Being around people who get you can make a big difference.

4.  Learning to Say No: You don’t have to say yes to Everything.  Forcing yourself to do things you don’t want isn’t good for your soul.  It’s okay to say no to plans or things that don’t feel right.

5.  Celebrating Your Strengths: Remember that being sensitive is a strength.  Sensitive souls have so much of the good stuff:  empathy, caring, and compassion.  Celebrate the things that make you unique!


Navigating life as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) comes with unique challenges and rewards.  Understanding and embracing your sensitivity allows you to accept yourself and honor your needs.  

Through minimalism, you can create a serene space that respects your sensitivity.  Self-care practices ensure you take care of yourself and rejuvenate.  At the same time, hypnosis offers a way back to calm and clarity.  

And in facing life’s challenges, remember that your sensitivity is a gift to be nurtured and protected.

Action Steps:

Your journey as an HSP is uniquely yours.  With a few tools and understanding, you can make it a more peaceful experience.

  • Take the HSP quiz and receive a free mini-ebook.  
  • Sign up below to receive future hypnosis YouTube videos, where we dive into techniques and practices tailored for the highly sensitive soul.

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