Live your life with intention. Live the life you have always dreamed of; The life you have always imagined living.
These words are painted in white on a wood-planked sign which sits upon my bedside table. In the true form of manifestation, I began a daily meditation practice this year, focused on my life Intentions.
I’d love to teach you how to start your own ‘Intentional Living’ practice by giving you the tools to choose your intentional ‘life theme’ as well as a “daily intention” for whatever you happen to need at the moment.
To top it off, I also created a “Life Events – Stress Worksheet” to help you work through those tough times that pop up occasionally. You can sign up below to get my originally created “My Life Intentions” Planner Pages. Happy “Intentional Life Planning!”
It’s no secret that life often brings you information when you need it. So, when my friend recommended a YouTube channel with guided meditations called the Mindful Movement, I was excited to check it out.
As I was browsing through the playlists, I was drawn to one particular meditation called, ‘Intentions’. While I was listening to the guided meditation, narrated by Sarah Raymond, she made a suggestion:
“Listen for at least 21 days; your subconscious mind will start to align with the intentions that you set during your meditation.” Simply stated:
“Set intentions for your life that align with the qualities that you want to develop.”
Sarah Raymond
That’s why I decided to set an intentional theme: overarching broad intentions for my life.
My “Intentional Life Theme”:
Joyful, Peaceful, Simple
Now, I know these words may seem cliche. But these are the qualities that I felt like I needed this year (2020) and they have served me well.
Peaceful: free from disturbance; tranquil.
Joyful: feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness.
Simple: easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
As I meditated over these three simple words every day, they started to become part of my inner being. Then when something happened that went against these three qualities, I said, “NO!” Guess what happened next?
My intentional meditation practice had worked! ‘Peaceful, joyful, and simple’ had become ingrained in my psyche.
Create A Peaceful Inner World
By meditating on these three words every day, I learned that I had the power to create my own little world; my ‘peaceful, joyful, and simple’ world.
But, to be perfectly honest, the outside world (other people, situations, responsibilities, etc.) is constantly trying to infiltrate my happiness bubble.
We create our own inner world. What you THINK is ultimately how you’ll FEEL.
Now, during those trying times, besides my theme (my overarching, broad intentions for my life) there were days when I also needed specific guidance to help me get through certain situations.
HERE'S HOW: If you’re struggling with SOMETHING or SOMEONE:
- Find a guided meditation for the quality that you need to help you with that particular situation.
- First, ask :
- How do I feel right now?
- What quality do I need right now?
- Next, focus on that strength, quality or skill that you need to help you process through the situation.
Real Life example
Recently, I found myself in a stressful situation. I was shaken, but mainly, I felt weak.
I immediately sought out a guided meditation for strength and courage. I focused on the added intentions: I AM STRONG, I AM CAPABLE.
After my meditation, I felt about 90% better and I rarely gave the incident a second thought! I had purged it from my system!
Sound amazing? IT IS! IT’S POWERFUL!
THINKING = FEELING: If you control your thoughts you can feel better! This is how to create a peaceful inner world!
Example: How To Navigate A Specific Situation
What Happened?
The other day, I was talking to someone that I love and I learned that they were struggling. I care about them and I wanted to help. It was so heavy on my mind yesterday that I sent a text message to see what I could do to help.
What was I thinking?
I was thinking that I could help them.
How Was I Feeling?
I felt sad . . . out of control . . . I wanted to help, to rescue them.
What Did I Do?
I texted and offered help.
How Did It Work?
It wasn’t ideal. I got way too involved and it snowballed. I still had no control. As a matter of fact, I felt MORE OUT OF CONTROL, only now, I was too deeply involved to ditch the situation.
What Did I Learn?
I learned that I should wait for people to ask me for help and that when I do offer help, that I need to set strong boundaries around what I’m actually willing to do.
What intentions did I need? (what quality or value would help me?)
Guidance, wisdom, clarity, & peaceful, joyful, simple (my main theme)
What New Boundaries did I Set?:
I will not get involved in other peoples’ lives unless they ask me to help.
What Guided meditation intentions did I look for?
Guidance, Wisdom, Peace, & Clarity
Note: Obviously, I’m a fully grown woman with a lot of life experience. The point here is, life is constantly changing. We don’t always remember the lessons that we’ve learned in the past and apply them to current situations.
That being said, setting an intentional theme helps you stay within the qualities and boundaries of your theme. Think of it as the extreme self-care that you deserve.
- Choose a theme, quality, or core value that you want to develop over the next month.
- Meditate on this intention every single day for at least 30 days.
Example Themes, Qualities, or Core Values
Community, Compassion,
creativity, determination,
Family, Friendship
Generosity, Growth
Happiness, health, joy,
peace, perseverance,
Purpose, Recreation
Security, self-respect,
Simplicity, Solitude, strength,
Tranquility, Trust
Unity, Vitality
Find a Guided Meditation Channel, App, or, Create Your Own
- Finding a good resource for guided meditations can be invaluable. I think it’s a good idea to find ONE SOURCE that you like and stick with it.
- There are A LOT of apps and other resources available online. Headspace and Ten Percent Happier are a few options. They are free to start, but then move to a subscription. The Mindful Movement on YouTube is free.
- You can also create your own DIY guided meditation by writing down a script: what do you need to hear right now? Record it on a recording app and play it as needed. This is EXTREMELY POWERFUL because you’re more likely to listen to yourself.
- I Wrote an entire blog post detailing the 5-step DIY Meditation process. Click Here to read it.
- Find or create a guided meditation to specifically develop the theme or core value that you have chosen.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What do I want to develop in my life right now? (meditate on this for at least 30 days)
- What is the most pressing quality, skill, or intention that I could choose to best help me immediately?
- I have provided a short list of qualities above, but there are many, many more values to choose from.
How to Process Stressful Events
- What happened?
- What am I thinking/telling myself?
- How am I feeling?
- What do I need to help me through this situation?
- What quality, skill, or intention can I set to help me through this situation?
- What new boundaries can I set that would help me in the future?
- What did I learn?
- For free downloadable “Life Events – Stress Worksheet” Planner Pages, enter your e-mail below.
- Setting ‘intentions’ can help give you peace of mind.
- Set broad, over-arching intentions (or a theme) that you want to develop.
- Set your daily intentions to help you to get through specific situations by using specific guided meditations.
- Meditate on your broad, overarching intentions daily, for at least 30 days, even if it is just for five minutes.
- You can even create your own DIY guided meditation.
- Write your intentions on a piece of paper and keep it in daily sight.
- My gift to you: I have provided a free downloadable printable guide (above) to help you with everything that I suggested in this post.
Don’t Forget: The World Brings You The Wisdom That You Need . Is this speaking to you right now?
For more information on intentional living, check out my post called, ‘So you wanna be a minimalist?’ below. It gives more details for an easier, more intentional life.