If you’re eco-friendly, you are probably interested in reducing the recyclable waste you make. Buying products with less packaging can accomplish that. The next best thing to do is swap out disposable products for reusable products (see suggestions below.)
Using these two simple, sustainable shopping habits significantly impacts your eco-clutter at home. Taking charge of your eco-system at home by reducing garbage and recycling is a beautiful contribution to the greater good.
how to Generate less recycling Waste:
- Learn about shopping at grocery stores that have a bulk bin section.
- Buy from local bakeries (bring your own cloth bags.)
- Shop at your local farmer’s market. (bring cloth bags.)
- Stop buying single-serve food items.
- Avoid plastics – they’re a significant eco-issue.
- Purchase everything else in glass, cans, or cardboard.

Check Your Local Waste Management Program
- Learn about how your city manages trash and recycling. Find out what type of recycling they accept (for plastics, there is a number on the bottom) so that you can sort your recycling waste properly.
- Find out if your city allows soiled recycling materials, like jars with food inside. Do you have to rinse them out before tossing them?
- Plan a tour of your local waste management facility. This can be highly enlightening. You can learn a lot; if you have kids, they can learn and get involved at home.
The following products are easily attainable for many people because they are available on Amazon.com. This post contains affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Your cost does not increase.
It’s a great idea to check out other similar products to find the one that fits your lifestyle and be sure to check customer reviews.
- 1. USE CLOTH HAND TOWELS : Replace Cloth towels for paper towels. This saves money over time too.
- 2. USE CLOTH NAPKINS: Replace Cloth napkins for paper napkins.
- 3. USE CLOTH GROCERY BAGS AT THE GROCERY STORE: Replace Cloth grocery bags for plastic grocery bags.
- 4. USE CLOTH VEGETABLE BAGS AT THE GROCERY STORE: Replace Cloth vegetable bags for thin plastic produce bags from the grocery store.
- 5. BUY REUSABLE WATER BOTTLES: Replace reusable water bottles for single-use plastic water bottles.
- 6. BUY REUSABLE COFFEE MUGS: Use Portable coffee mugs instead of throwaway cups. (Starbucks will comply plus give a 10% discount) Remember to take it with you on the go!
- 7. USE GLASS CONTAINERS IN THE KITCHEN: Use Glass containers for food storage instead of plastic wrap and plastic bags.
- 8. USE STAINLESS STEEL LUNCH CONTAINERS: Use Stainless steel containers for lunches instead of plastic baggies.
These lists are not exclusive. It’s a great idea to view other similar products and read the customer reviews.
Cheers to eco-friendly living!