Decluttering and The Meaning of Life – a Message for moms

Does it seem like your life is all about decluttering? Cleaning the house? organizing? Sometimes it feels like that’s all we do. And we’re always looking for ways to do it better. Be better. But, the truth is . . .

Life isn’t about perfection;

It’s about the daily living stuff; 

getting up and doing the grind. 

Getting breakfast for your kids, 

getting them off to school,

and running your daily life.

That’s living.

If you feel like you’re doing it over and over again, it’s because YOU ARE.

That’s the SEASON OF LIFE you’re in;

you don’t have to do it right all the time. 

Recognize that You’re just human;

you’re just one person.

Observe The clutter.

If there are dishes on the counter, that’s living;

If there are clothes on the floor, that’s living;

That’s your kid, your partner, you.

So change your mind.


Clutter = Living

See the clutter as living . . .

Life. Your life.

Give yourself permission to Relax.

Understand that the minute you stop managing it, it’ll be there again.

No matter how hard you try.

So relax, Observe, and give yourself a break.

MY signature - Didi


Especially for you!
free Self-Care Weekly Habit Tracker!

Printable and downloadable gift just for you!

Make sure that you’re taking that time to do the little things that can make a big difference for your mental health every day! 

We tend to take care of everyone else and this Self-Care Check-In Habit Tracker will be a lovely reminder to make yourself important! 

Because if Mom isn’t happy, 

nobody’s happy!