
an Intentional Life


Less Stuff, Stress, & Waste

For the Eco-System of You!

Eco-Friendly Minimalist stands for

  • JOY: Create a happier life with the principles of minimalism.
  • PEACE: Combat stress with Positive thinking through meditation & hypnosis.
  • SIMPLICITY: Learn Eco-friendly tips for a Healthier You, Home, & Earth.

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Who is Didi?

Didi is an aspiring minimalist and a self-proclaimed self-help addict. As a highly sensitive person (HSP), she harnesses her innate empathic qualities as a generativity mentor.

Passionate about making a positive impact in her second half of life, she translates her life lessons into practical guidance, focusing on the personal eco-system necessary to live a joyful, peaceful life.

Newly certified as a hypnotherapist from MINDVALLEY, she plans to expand her blog’s “Stress-Less” section by offering free guided meditation and self-hypnosis videos to promote inner peace, positivity, and resilience.

Subscribe to be notified when they are published.

Didi’s approach to self-improvement embodies the philosophy of self-understanding and acceptance, managing one’s environment, and positive self-talk, all to increase self-empowerment and well-being .

Join her community of those who believe in empowerment through knowledge, the joy of simplicity, and the peace of intentional living.

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Self-Care for the highly sensitive soul: HSPs

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Effortless Cleaning – The self-care magic of Robotic Vacuums

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Can childhood Trauma Cause PTSD?

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Why I love Minimalism: My Coping Strategy

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