About Me

Hi, I’m Didi, your average empath, introvert, and HSP (highly sensitive person) who loves deep thinking and nothing shallow.

Didi hiking with her daughter's dog named Indiana.

Hiking with Indiana!

Note: The EWG logo on my hat stands for The Environmental Working Group! They are a great resource to protect your health.

Over the years, I tried to live a minimalist lifestyle.  Despite my best efforts, I always felt like a minimalist failure.

Then, a few years ago, my family and I became homeless when a mudslide hit our house! I learned valuable lessons about what causes household clutter by living without most of our belongings for six months. That’s when Eco-friendly Minimalist was born.

Throughout that journey, I discovered that much of our household’s daily clutter is based on our eco-choices, like what we buy.

After some time, I realized I was drawn to minimalism because of my past trauma history. While minimalism might seem like a fad, I want to help people understand that minimalism is a great option or coping strategy to help make life more enjoyable.

But, my heart has always been in the self-help arena. And understanding that a good life starts in your mind, I developed a foundation for a personal eco-system: Self-Care, Home Care, and Earth Care.

As such, I began using guided meditations with great reward. I progressed into hypnotherapy and recently earned a hypnotherapist certification from MINDVALLEY. Hypnosis is similar to guided meditation and is an even more powerful tool to create your life your way.

Look for meditation and hypnosis in the Self-Care portion of this platform coming soon!

Fun facts about me:

  1. I love living by the beach in California with my hubby!
  2. My childhood dream was to have ten kids, but . . .
  3. I raised four beautiful humans to adulthood!
  4. I love learning!
  5. My best education was by home-schooling my youngest for seven years!
  6. Self-improvement is my lifelong passion!
  7. My favorite place is home.
  8. I’m still a struggling minimalist!
  9. As I learn eco-friendly strategies, I share them here on my blog.
  10. Progress is my goal. Not perfection.
  11. I’m a recovering people-pleasing overfunctioner.
  12. Now, I share my over-helping and caretaking with a distant online world!
MY signature - Didi

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